Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This week on Monday was Memorial day. A day to remember those loved ones that have passed on. We talked and reminiscence about the days once passed. It was good to see all of the family that doesn't live close by and chat with them. For breakfast we had the egg sausage casserole, biscuits, gravy, cinnamon buns and OJ. It was very filling and delicious. Afterwards we talked and hung out at the house until I went to work. That evening though a storm blew through Wichita and dumped rain and hail on the city. It was very wild. I love storms and to see them develop and show off their power is interesting to me. I was able to check out the hail damage to my truck which was very minimal. I was shocked. I did park under a tree at work and at home so I'm sure that helped.
Today Wednesday I helped Rebekah clean the basement and continue to work on planning for the garage sale. The garage part is mostly clean. The basement is the most difficult task to do. There is so much Duff down there it's ridiculous. I don't know how one family can accumulate crap like mad. Oh well, more stuff to sell.

1 comment:

bluggier said...

Right. More stuff to sell. I don't know how we continue to accumulate crap, either. Must have something to do with our consumer-driven society....