Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dinner with the family

Today I went to work this morning at the AutoZone at Pawnee and Meridian. The morning went pretty slow but I was able to get some more paperwork done. Usually in the afternoon the business picks up some and in the evening is when we do most of sales. Uncle Jay stopped by in the morning with a new van that the Nursing home purchased. The Check Engine light came on and he wanted me to scan it to find out what was wrong with it. This van they got was pretty cool. Its a Dodge Caravan fitted for wheelchair access. The ramp slides out of the bottom and the frame lowers down.
This evening our family went out to Red Lobster for the close family dinner for Daniel. I had the Spicy Asian Shrimp and Mashed Potatoes. For desert I had the most wonderful warmed chocolate cookie cake and Ice Cream. oooohhh so good and tastey and loaded with calories. I can still taste it.
After dinner we went back to mom's house and we gave her the present that we got for mother's day. It is a throw with the kids names sewen in the middle of a heart. She was crying when we gave it to her. Happy tears are the best tears.
Tomorrow we are going to the Sundown parade with the family for the start of Riverfest. We always have a good time but Daniel doesn't want to go. He thinks that the parade is boring but I find it interesting. Unitll tomorrow have a good day and evening

1 comment:

Sammie J said...

Aww thats so sweet that she liked the gift. I knew she would! I would say no cookie cake for me, but as the fact that I bake stuff all the time without sharing with you I guess thats fair. lol! Still sounds good! I promise I'm going to post soon. Just been busy with work and stuff. I'm hoping that I can get it done tonight, but ya know how scatter brained I can get! lol!