Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What a week

To most of my readers who have given up on me posting a new blog I have one thing to say....I'm BACK!!!!

Today was a good day for me. I finally got my hair cut short for the summer. I started to look like a wearwolf. I also mowed my parents lawn and made it all pretty. I had lunch with Rebekah, Jason, and mom. There is a new restaurant called Clear Lakes Cafe over by 21st. When Samantha was here we ate breakfast there once. Very good food for the price. Later on I went to Bob's house and mowed his lawn and talked with Rebekah for awhile. We played a new game on Wii called Mario Cart. It was pretty fun racing the cars around the track. Tomorrrow Jason and Bob are going to see the new Indiana Jones movie so Rebekah invited me back to hang out after work and play more games. Work has been good these past few days. Lots of changed are going to be inforced over the next few weeks. Ross is going on vacation and has left me in charge of the store. Plus he gave me a list of things that he want's done before he gets back. I have no doubt that I will be able to acomplish the tasks laid before me. Also next week is VBS for the church in the evening. I hope to have a good turnout this year. On Wednesday my dad is leading a bible study in Ephesians. We had the first study this evening and high lighted some verses and went over them. Over the course of the next few days I'll be working in the morning and having the evening free. Good luck to all


bluggier said...

Here's hoping work works out for you. Good going on the VBS. Ephesians is a good book.

Wild Flower said...

Post please?

Sammie J said...

Dude you need a new post! lol!