Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This week on Monday was Memorial day. A day to remember those loved ones that have passed on. We talked and reminiscence about the days once passed. It was good to see all of the family that doesn't live close by and chat with them. For breakfast we had the egg sausage casserole, biscuits, gravy, cinnamon buns and OJ. It was very filling and delicious. Afterwards we talked and hung out at the house until I went to work. That evening though a storm blew through Wichita and dumped rain and hail on the city. It was very wild. I love storms and to see them develop and show off their power is interesting to me. I was able to check out the hail damage to my truck which was very minimal. I was shocked. I did park under a tree at work and at home so I'm sure that helped.
Today Wednesday I helped Rebekah clean the basement and continue to work on planning for the garage sale. The garage part is mostly clean. The basement is the most difficult task to do. There is so much Duff down there it's ridiculous. I don't know how one family can accumulate crap like mad. Oh well, more stuff to sell.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

Today is Sunday. The day before Memorial Day. My family spend most of the day hanging out and telling stories from the past. Uncle Dennis and Aunt Ruth came from Texas, Uncle Max and Aunt Sherri came from Michigan. They are the only two familes that came from out of state. I was unable to attend most of the afternoon due to me working at my job. I came by Jay's house when I got off. During the course of the evening I found out that Uncle Jay was a weatherman and he did a radio spot as well. The things that you find out about your family can be weird and interesting at the same time. Tomorrow is the brunch and the wrap up for the holiday gathering. Perhaps there will be mush for breakfast.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Today I was off work so I spend most of the day at Rebekah's house working in the garage. We were throwing stuff out and taking crap to the HazMat station in Wichita on Stillwell. I must say that I was amazed at the amount of paint can's and varnish and odd things. We were able to clear one side of the garage to make it a somewhat functional garage.
For dinner I met the family at the Copper Oven in the Indian Hills area. I met Jay and Pat there. Very nice place to eat. Their special was pan fried chicken with mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. Good chicken. For desert I had chocolate mousse cake. I also bought a cinnamon roll. You can heat that sucker up and make it all goey and good.
After dinner I went over to Jay's to help him move some furniture in a downstairs bedroom. The interesting thing is that me and my parents went on a walking trail. Somewhere down the trail we got turned around and got lost. The bad part is that it was starting to get dark and hard to see. And it was humid so the weather was against us as well. We were following dad which may not have been the best decision but we managed to find the exit and called Jay to come and pick us up. That was an ordeal in and of itself. I was able to get some good excersise so it's not all bad. Tomorrow is breakfast and back to work again. Later

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The weekend is upon me

Lets see here the Memorial day weekend is upon me as I go into Friday. With having the day off I have a full day planned. I am going to mow Robert's(a.k.a. Bob) house. Once that is completed Rebekah and me are planning to finish in the garage for the yard sale she is having at the end of the month. Speaking of Memorial day we are having the family get together on Sunday and Monday. The cementary visit is slated for Sunday after church visiting relatives living and dead. After planting flowers we will go back to Wichita with dinner at Jay's. Monday is Brunch at Kevin's house for the conclusion. I half to work on Sunday and Monday evening so I can attend the brunch but that is all. At least I can spend some time with the family.
Rebekah is finally out of school for the summer. She was happy to be out and not working as the lunch lady. I don't know if she will be back for the next year or not.
I beleve that I will be all for this evening. Take care

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another Week

Today I started another work week on Sunday. For some reason the store was pretty dead for a Sunday. Perhaps more people are going to Church which is good. I do half to tell you that someone working on their car almost lost a finger. I let him borrow a knife to cut a hose on a car that he was working on. His buddy came back in the store and said that he had cut his finger and skin was hanging off the bone and he had lost a good amount of blood in the parking lot. So I did a quick bandage with a clean towel and his buddy took him away. That was the big excitemt of the day. Monday and Tuesday I have off so I'll be spending the evening with Rebekah.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


So today ends another work week at the Zone with an end to the River Festival as well. The fireworks are going off in the sky as I am typing. To bad I missed it AGAIN and I missed the Cajun food fest AGAIN. Sigh and a half. I did go out to school at an open house and got my schedule. I have three classes on Wednesday Friday and all day Saturday. When I went into work I talked to Ross and he assured me that I will have time to study and work. I mapped out my school and work week so I will be able to plan for homework and study time. I talked to a couple of guys who went through the program and they told me that there wasn't much homework in the class. So I believe that I can and can taste success. I am actually excited about school. I have never enjoyed school but I feel good about going.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Over Done

I know that I haven't posted in quite awhile so I'll fill all you faithful readers in what has been happening in my world. The last time I posted was last Thursday about the Red Lobster dinner so I'll start with Friday.

Friday was the kick off to the River Festival with the Sundown parade. I did not attend even though I should have gone. I didn't feel like doing out that evening. I was more of the home body that evening. I did go to work that morning over at 1644. Friday was my last day there. I am happy to be working at my new store.

Saturday I had the day off. Daniel gave a mini concert at the church before he left for Wisconsion on Tuesday. Rebekah did a solo and sang very well. I got choked up listening to her song. Afterwards we trooped over to Uncle Jay's for a family gathering. We broke out the legendary weenie roast sticks and made homemade ice cream. I really want to make some home made Ice Cream one day. I hope to learn someday. Jay made a fire in his pit and we sat around and talked and remised about the old days. Daniel decided to colapse on the floor with Michael due to "Tired man." It was a good cookout and I enjoyed it very much.

Sunday was Mothers day so the church held a banquet. The Mom's were served by the men of the church. Bruce read a poem that I would like to find. It was a tribute to a mom and the work that she does. Afterwards I went to work for the remainder of the day.

Monday was Daniel's last day here in Wichita. The three kids went out to lunch at Taco Rio. We talked some and Daniel seems to be happy leaving. I know that this is what he wants to do so I am going to stand with him. It has been rather hard these past few days but I am not one to show my emotions. Whatever he does I know that I don't half to worry to much.

Tuesday and Wednesday went by in a blur. I didn't really do a heck of a lot becides going to work. The middle of the work week not alot happens to me. I did however go and visit ITT Tech college. I posted a link to the left. I finally decided to pursue higher education and enroll in college. I checked out the campus and met with some people and now I am going back to see about financial aid. I believe that this will be a good move for me. Ross is supportive of my decision and will work around my school. Hopefully I will get this going soon.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dinner with the family

Today I went to work this morning at the AutoZone at Pawnee and Meridian. The morning went pretty slow but I was able to get some more paperwork done. Usually in the afternoon the business picks up some and in the evening is when we do most of sales. Uncle Jay stopped by in the morning with a new van that the Nursing home purchased. The Check Engine light came on and he wanted me to scan it to find out what was wrong with it. This van they got was pretty cool. Its a Dodge Caravan fitted for wheelchair access. The ramp slides out of the bottom and the frame lowers down.
This evening our family went out to Red Lobster for the close family dinner for Daniel. I had the Spicy Asian Shrimp and Mashed Potatoes. For desert I had the most wonderful warmed chocolate cookie cake and Ice Cream. oooohhh so good and tastey and loaded with calories. I can still taste it.
After dinner we went back to mom's house and we gave her the present that we got for mother's day. It is a throw with the kids names sewen in the middle of a heart. She was crying when we gave it to her. Happy tears are the best tears.
Tomorrow we are going to the Sundown parade with the family for the start of Riverfest. We always have a good time but Daniel doesn't want to go. He thinks that the parade is boring but I find it interesting. Unitll tomorrow have a good day and evening

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another Day

Today was another day at AutoZone. I worked this morning and had to go back in the evening to close up due to some problems. Nothing big but the manager who was supposed to close had to leave on an emergency. I did go to Bob's and mow his lawn and I am glad that I did. It started to rain this evening as I was leaving work. Most likely I'll be back over there next week. I need to do my parents lawn again soon as well.
I am glad that I got a transfer to 1610. Working over there has been pretty good to me. I enjoy working with Ross and learning from him. So far I have enjoyed the Autozoners that I have worked with. As the week progress I'll be able to work with everyone at least once so I'll know what I have on my plate.
Onto others, This week is going to be Daniel's last week with his family before he takes off into the unknown. As part of his family I need to support him in his decision to move.
Also Samantha started her first real job yesterday. She was overnight looking after some people and is back in the saddle again this evening. She was telling me about some lighting going on. Like me she loves thunderstorms.
And now to quote a wise person for my conclusion: "Live long and prosper."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Rain Rain

If you are standing outside this evening you are being drenched on by the rain that has moved through Wichita. It was hailing out earlier but I believe that has moved on. There was some really cool lighting going on in the sky. For some reason I have always been a fan of thunderstorms. I don't know if it's the display in the sky or the power that is displayed.
Today I went to work and afterwards I was over at Mom's house. She made some fried chicken with BBQ sauce. Really good stuff. We also worked out a deal between me doing yard work in exchange for paying down my debt to my parents. It works out in both of our favors to do this.
Yesterday I went out to church for dinner and had the Enchilada Casserole. That is one of my favorite dinners they serve. I was also able to get a sneak peak of the music that Daniel is working on during practice. This will be a good concert that Dan is giving.
On a sad note I won't be able to go out to Scott City this weekend to visit Samantha. I am hoping that in a few weeks I will be able to. We just need to coordinate schedules to make it work. I feel bad for abandoning her like this. I know that she misses her friends.