Monday, November 24, 2008


Yesterday at Church my Pastor spoke on an interesting subject that I found interesting and informative as well. It was on divorce and marriage. The focal passage was in Matthew 19:1-12 and Deutermonony 24:1. The passage is talking about when is it ok to divorce and under what circumstances. The focal question is "What is God's perfect will for marriage?" Even though I am not married I feel that it's something for single people to think about. I want to have a good marriage and I want my marriage to glorify God. There are four reasons I believe that divorce was never God's plan and should not happen.

1.) God created male and female for each other. There was not a group of males or females to pick and choose or trade. There was one option

2.) We are to leave our parents house and be united with the spouse. In the beginning it was designed this way. We are to be glued to the spouse never to be separated.

3.) A man and woman are to become one flesh where God is inseparable. One mind and one spirit. 1 Corinthians 7:4 states that the bodies belong to each other. They are not your own anymore. You belong to your spouse. When a marriage takes place they become possession of each other. One in mind and spirit

4.) What God has joined together let no man separate. Every marriage is made in Heaven. God's design for marriage is to be permant.

Ephesians 5:22-25 gives the snapshot of marriage. Wives submit to your husbands. The husband is the head of the household as Christ is head of the church. So the husband is the spiritual guidance and leader of the house just as Christ is the head of the church. This does not mean that the husband is allowed to do anything that he wants and the head. The next verse states this. Husbands LOVE your wife's as Christ loves the church.

So in a sense I am glad to be in a family where my parents are together and look to God for the answers. I am thankful that I have a family where we love each other and can lean on others for help in the time of need.

1 comment:

Sammie J said...

Interesting! Happy birthday! How'd it go?