Friday, November 14, 2008

It's been a long time......

Well I know that it has been so long since I have blogged about anything. My last post was back in September. That is partly due to me not having Internet at my apartment. Now that I am back online I will be able to post new blogs more often. I am going to make a goal to post a few times a week if not more often.
So what has happened to me since September; I have been looking for a new full time job somewhere. I did have a part time job at Kelly Elementary but I had to quit for job conflict reasons. In order for my budget to work in my favor I need two jobs. I believe that I can make it with just one but it's a challenge.
I got the Internet back in my apartment last week so I can now keep in touch with people. I'm having Rebekah and company next week for dinner and games. I am going to make taco's and burritos with chips and salsa. Should be a good evening.
My parents got a new animal that they are taking care of. Her name is Lydia. She is a stray that was found by Uncle Jay's house wondering around. Mom took her in and spend some money at the vet getting her checked out. She has some kind of a bacteria infection on her skin and her front teeth are broken. She does not have heartworms or mange. Those were going to be the kicker for keeping her. She did treat her for hookworms and the bacteria infection is being treated with medicated shampoo twice a week. There is a dog wash in town that we have been taking her to. It's a lot easier than bleaching the tub and getting her in there. I had no idea that there was such a thing.
Nothing new to report in the woman area of my life. I tried to get a date with someone named Tina but that didn't happen. Kinda sucks to but it happens.
This evening we had dinner over at Kevin's house. Veggie soup, Chile, crackers and muffins. It was filling and delicious.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you blogging again, Josh. I've missed not hearing from you! I wish you well in your job search. I know that something will turn up for you.

Wild Flower said...

Women are nothing but trouble and heartache! Hang on - there's the right one for you somewhere that won't be trouble and heartache.

Sammie J said...

OMG new blog!! I think I'm gonna try to write me a new one here before too much longer. Good luck with the job search!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you're blogging again, Joshua. I missed it when you weren't :)
What kind of job are you looking for?

Everlasting tales of Joshua said...

I really want to get involved with computers and technology. It has always been an interest

Tiffani said...

You Blog, too?!?! Small world...