Friday, July 18, 2008

Hello again to you all. My computer went down so I haven't had a chance to post any new blogs yet. I need a new hard drive. Sigh. My parents came back from their vacation all in one piece. They had a grand ole time visiting with the family. It was a nice get away for them. Daniel was able to come along for the trip to. He took some pictures and sent them around for us to see. Mom actually went fishing and caught some as well.
Recently my job has been getting to me. It's like I dread going to work some days and then other days I like to. I don't really know whats going on. Perhaps I need a change in something. I have been browsing the ads looking for something that sounds interesting but I haven't found a whole lot yet.
On another note I will be moving in October to a new apartment with my friend Rion and possibly another friend Rodney. I get along really well with Rion. We have worked together at AutoZone before he left. We are good friends. Last year when I talked about it with him he said that he wasn't ready to move from his parents house but he would be in about a year. Well one year later he is ready to go. He would like to find a part time job to help offset some of the bills that will be new but hasn't found anything yet. He is hopeful and I wish him the best. There is a 3 bedroom apartment on the corner of Maple and Tyler that we are looking at. If for some reason Rodney is unable to make the move then we have about 6 2 bedrooms apartments to make a decision on. It's all in cost, location, whats included and what's not.
My friend Samantha had a problem at her job last week with one of her coworkers talking bad about her and spreading rumors. She called me and we talked some untill I had to go back to work. She talked to her boss and they are going to try and work it out. I wish them luck

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