Thursday, April 3, 2008

In tears

Well today I think that I will write about something that is close to heart. Today I discoverd the hearlessness of the people in the world. I know that not everyone is the same and that we all have our flaws. Some are more noticable than others. I have a eye disorder that causes me to have low eyelids and also to have no movement in the left eye. I have delt with it my whole life. It's painful because of the ridicule I delt with in school. It's something that I will probably have my whole life. It has never really bothered me to much. My friends like me for me. Not what I look like. I like working at AutoZone because everyone is nice to me. They don't care what I look like. Today I went to the DMV to get a new Drivers License because I moved. I walked in and gave them my proof of address and paid the fee and went to have my picture taken. No problem right? Wrong. Since I can't open my eyes very wide the person operating the camera treated me like I was doing someting wrong. They have a camera that reads the cornea of your eyeball. Why I don't know but I didn't get a good picture and her response to me was, "Topeka may not accept your picture since we can't read your cornea. If that happends we can't issue you a new license." To which my response was "Excuse me? I can't have a license." To which she said "Let me get the supervisor." The supervisor said to me the same thing and added "Can you drive ok?" To which I said, "I woudn't be standing here if I didn't. Call my eye doctor and he will tell you what is going on." She said "Okay. I wll submit your photo on and if it get returned you will need to come back in here." I said "Okay whatever."
I left the station feeling like an outcast and not very happy with myself. I called my sister and we talked for awhile and then mom called me. Its times like this when I wonder why God created me like he did. I also wonder what I would be like if I was "normal." I guess I will never know why.


Rebekah said...

My heart hurts. As I told Jason "it is a slap into reality". Then he told me that you and I are not the outcast. The outcast are the people who have no tact, and who don't know how to treat people with the respect that they deserve. I completely understand where you are coming from, and I cried today because I understand. This hurts me, and if it hurts me I know that it must have hurt you more. I believe that God made us this way because he knew that we could handle it. God will never give us more then we can handle. This made us stronger, and it took me over 25 years to figure it out, but I also believe that he created us this way so that we can show the world that are decent, wonderful people who can succeed just like they do. We will see God's purpose when he wants us to. Until then stay strong, and don't let the world defeat you. Remember that I am always here for you. Love, Rebekah

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a bad day! I don't think anyone is "normal" since I work in mentally disabled I know first hand there's no such thing. I know that I have my flaws, but instead of running away from the negative I embrace the positive. You may have bad eyes, but you have a great personality! Everyone is special in their own way. Like you said people like you for who you are, not what you look like. You're a great guy, and I'm really glad you're my friend!

bluggier said...

I too am sorry that this happened. Sometimes people don't have a lot of intelligence or tact. You're about the nicest person I know.

(BTW, I know the head of the drivers license division of the Dept of Revenue. She used to live in Harper and served on city council with me. Lemme know if I can help through her).