Tuesday, April 29, 2008

All about Samantha

Today I got some good news. My friend Samantha called me at work today and told me that she got the weekend off which means that I will be traveling to Scott City on Saturday to spend the weekend with her. I know that she is missing her friends and that it will be good to see her again. She also started her new job this evening at the mosaic. Just filling out paperwork and learning about the job. She seems to have everything all together. I am happy for her. One thing I did find out is the she loves Mountain Lions. This is good due to the gift that I sent her. All together I think that we both had good days

Monday, April 28, 2008


Today was a relaxing day. I went to my parents house and mowed the lawn and had lunch with Rebekah and Robert over at Taco Shop.(A.K.A. Bob) I also finished my laundry and had a nap. All in a days work.

On anther note the Lottery Powerball Jackpot is $162 Million. I will be buying a lottery ticket before Wednesday in hopes that I will win someting. Even if it's 5 bucks. This evening I'll be relaxing at home. I made some changes to my Myspace page. I changed the layout and I'll be adding some more pictures soon. My friend Sam is starting her new job tomorrow. Today is her last day of freedom before entering the workforce again. I really am happy for her. I know that she will do great. She has a good heart for people which is sometimes hard to find.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Catch up

My friend Sam wrote something at the end of her blog and I think that I would like to continue about it. She wrote "So often people lose sight of what should really matter in the world, and that's sad."

This is a true statement in that as humans I think that we loose sight of what is really important in life. I was lucky enough to learn at a young age that family comes first. They will be there with you when you are alone and you need to talk. I am also lucky to have friends that I can call and chat with. I know that there are those who are not as lucky as me. I know that there are days when I feel that nothing goes right and that my life is on a downward spiral ready for a crash landing. It's nice to be able to talk with someone and share my feelings about whats going on in my life.

Now onto other things; Since I haven't posted since Thursday I thought I might fill you readers in with what has been happening. Friday I took my truck in to have some work done on it. While driving back home and exiting from Kellogg onto Seneca I was rear ended by a young girl who probably got distracted. I was in my dad's car at the time so I called him and he came to the scene of the crime. There was a small amount of damage to the car. I took Daniel out to lunch to Taco Rio and later on I went to work. I called Samantha on my lunch and told her about the accident. Needless to say she was concerned after I reasured her that I was ok. Then Saturday came and again I went back to work. Saturday is one of our buzy sales days. When it gets buzy in the store we half to work together to acomplish the goal of taking care of the customers. Find out what they need and get them on the way.

I just found out that my best friend Samantha just got a job with Mosaic. I am so happy for her. She will do great in this job and be wonderful. I have no doubt in my mind. Good luck to you.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Party time!!

I had a pretty boring day. I was off work but didn't really do a lot. Just mostly hung out at home. Today is my parents wedding anniversary. They are having a dinner date this evening at an upscale restaurant at the Eden hotel. I'm sure that they are having a good time this evening. Plus there is a new CSI on tonight.
Sam is happy about her job prospect. Hopefully she will be workng and making some money. Her Escape is going to the body shop to get fixed from the accident that happend awhile ago. It will be gone for about a week. I'm sure that she is happy about it.
Tomorrow my truck is going to the shop to have some work done on it. And then I'll be going to work.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today I went back to work and was feeling pretty good about it. I wasn't able to get alot of paperwork and reports done. AutoZone was pretty buzy with cutomers and complaints. I do have some good news to report about my friend Sam. She went to a job fair in Garden City and got a job interview on the spot for a supervisor in an assistited living home. She was quite suprised but I know that it would happen. Her dad is not thrilled about driving to Garden but as she stated "At least it's a job where I can put money in the bank." I would half to agree with her. Tomorrow is a short work day for me so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight

Monday, April 21, 2008


Today I had the day off from work. Didn't really do much but clean my apartment. I did go down to the repair shop and made an appointment to have some work done on the truck. Speaking or the truck I diagnosed the problem with the A/C. The pressure cut out switch mounted on the back of the compressor is shot. So it doesn't engage the clutch. The only problem is that the system is still R12. Which of course you can't really buy without paying a hefty cost. So I'm thinking that a conversion to 134A would be best. I have a friend who can help me with that.
On another note my parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary this week. 32 years of marriage. I wish them the best in the years to come. I know that I don't say it enough but I really appreciate all they do for me.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The U-Haul ordeal and Sam to boot

This evening I was invited to my uncle's new house to set around and visit. I went straight over after work. We sat around and he told us a tale of him moving his new furniture and whatnot's and getting the U-Haul stuck up on a driveway after he high centered it and how after getting some boards, a mattress and some tire chains the U-Haul finally gave way. If only there had been a video camera to capture this moment but alas there was not. I like their new house. It felt warm and cozy.

Samantha called me this evening as well. She was at a party with her folks and called to tell me that she had escaped the boredom and was going to a park to relax. She was telling me about her brownies that she made. They sounded real good. I'm wishing I had one to munch on. She hasen't had the best of luck in locating a job. She was saying that there is an opening at a hospital and a mental health facility. I wish her luck.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Today I found out something that depressed me. I was told that my brother is moving to Wisconsin to be with his girlfriend and to look for a job. When my mom told me I felt alone because my two siblings have found their soul mates and here I am just wondering around. In a way I feel jealous over him. But I know that as a part of this family I need to support him and his decision.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


This evening I want to blog about friendship. Each one of us needs friends in our lives that we know and trust. Without friends we wonder the world aimlessly and hope that we can just get by. Friendship is what we need in order to be successful in life. We can talk to these people about whats going on in our lives. We can share secrets, talk and even hang out. After talking to a friend of mine this evening who was pretty depressed about her live in general and about moving back to where she didn't know anyone, I realized that I am pretty lucky to have the friends that I do. I was never good at making friends. I was usually the loaner kid. Picked last for sports, teams, projects, you name it. It sucked and my self esteem when down. Now that I have friends who enjoy me for me my life is a little better.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Let's see here what has happend to me in the last few days. I will be changing stores again here soon to work across the street from where I live which is really where I wanted to go in the begining. My store had an Audit from the DM Tuesday. I don't know how we scored yet but I hope to find out tomorrow. I am probably going to find a new place to live though, now I half to find somewhere to live close to the store. I don't know what's out there yet but I'm sure that I will find somewhere. This week is the angel food distribution at the church on Saturday. I won't be able to attend due to me working but I have no worries. Friday I'll do some cleaning and have my A/C checked in the truck. I still have R12 freon. It worked great last year but when I had the new engine put it, the A/C didn't work anymore. The compressor still works so I am sure it just needs freon.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Family Ties

This evening I am happy and thankful that I have a family that loves me and cares for me. Yesterday at dinner I was reminded of what a lucky person I am. But on the other hand I half to wonder about the others who are not so lucky. Maybe they have parents who are seperated or they don't have cars that run. Maybe they live in poverty or have family problems and refuse to speak to one another. In a way I feel lucky to have an apartment to come home to, a truck that runs to get me to work, parents who love me no matter what I have done and friends who spend time with me.
Speaking of friends this evening I said goodbye to my friend Samantha. She is moving back home to Scott City. I am greatful for the opportunity to meet and get to know her as a friend. I will never forget you. I hope to see you again soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Today I was able to pick up a couch, coffee table and a crock pot from my friend Samantha. She is moving out to Scott City and didn't want to take these items with her. Dad and Daniel helped me lumber the items from her apartment to mine. Her couch is quite comfortable to sit on. Nothing much really happend at work today. I've had a slow week in sales most likely due to the weather. The weekend is looking a little better but not by much. I am hoping that next week will be better.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I must say that I am very happy that KU is the final victory in basketball. With a win of 68 to 75 over Memphis the game was well played on both teams. Not to much has happend at work these last few days

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Today my sister turns 28 at 8:30PM. She was born on Easter Sunday. Yesterday we had a birthday dinner at Kevin's. Mom made two lasaganas and a peach cobler. We also had garlic toast and salad. Afterwards it was card games and watching KU beat the crap out of team they played. All in all not to much of a day. That morning we did have Angel Food orders as well. This evening I wa invited to the house for more festivies and such.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

In tears

Well today I think that I will write about something that is close to heart. Today I discoverd the hearlessness of the people in the world. I know that not everyone is the same and that we all have our flaws. Some are more noticable than others. I have a eye disorder that causes me to have low eyelids and also to have no movement in the left eye. I have delt with it my whole life. It's painful because of the ridicule I delt with in school. It's something that I will probably have my whole life. It has never really bothered me to much. My friends like me for me. Not what I look like. I like working at AutoZone because everyone is nice to me. They don't care what I look like. Today I went to the DMV to get a new Drivers License because I moved. I walked in and gave them my proof of address and paid the fee and went to have my picture taken. No problem right? Wrong. Since I can't open my eyes very wide the person operating the camera treated me like I was doing someting wrong. They have a camera that reads the cornea of your eyeball. Why I don't know but I didn't get a good picture and her response to me was, "Topeka may not accept your picture since we can't read your cornea. If that happends we can't issue you a new license." To which my response was "Excuse me? I can't have a license." To which she said "Let me get the supervisor." The supervisor said to me the same thing and added "Can you drive ok?" To which I said, "I woudn't be standing here if I didn't. Call my eye doctor and he will tell you what is going on." She said "Okay. I wll submit your photo on and if it get returned you will need to come back in here." I said "Okay whatever."
I left the station feeling like an outcast and not very happy with myself. I called my sister and we talked for awhile and then mom called me. Its times like this when I wonder why God created me like he did. I also wonder what I would be like if I was "normal." I guess I will never know why.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I came to a realization today at work. I found that most people are either thankful or they are not. Today I changed a headlight bulb in a Nissan for a customer. The customer was very thankful to me. She even said that I was wonderful. I was happy to help her out and she was on her way. On the other hand you have the customer who doesn't care about you or what you have to say. Those are the people who I would rather not deal with but I half to anyway. My job is to take care of the customers who walk in the door the best that I can. Whether its giving advice or checking the oil level in a customers car.