Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This week has started out good, and it was fine untill today. Nothing major happend but I am tired emotionally at my job. Honestly thats all it is. Just a job, not a career. I am 27 and I have no idea what my career is. It's sad if you think about it. My sister has a career. My younger brother has a career. Where am I? I'm on the planet with the big question mark. I've considered many options and I just don't know what to do.
On another note I saw "Watchmen" with Jason and Robert today. If you have a weak stomach I would stay away from the movie. It's pretty bloody and gory. It was not what I expected but an interesting movie.
I wish for those who read this blog a happy a joyful week wherever you may be.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Last night I saw Fireproof for the first time. I must say that I really liked the movie. It had a good message about trusting God in your life. I would recomend it to anyone searching for truth and hope in this world.
Today me and mom took her dog to the dog wash and bathed Lydia. She really smelled horrible. I don't know what was worse, her or her being wet. I also got a new muffler and tail pipe for my truck. So now I'm not so loud driving down the street.
My job is going pretty good. I'm still looking for something full time that is stable. No bites but I am hopeful.
Well I don't know what else to say so.....

Sunday, March 1, 2009


This blog is for a reflection on my life and what I have seen and learned in the past few weeks not only at my new job but in the world as well.
Lets start at the job and work forward....This week Dillon's is training me for a FES(Front End Supervisor) position which is what I was hired to do along with working in the Customer Care desk. As part of this job I am responsible to make sure the checkers and sackers get out to lunch and break on time as well as answer questions and take care of upset customers when problems arise. I also jump on a register to check if needed. I have already staked my claim today to earn the respect of the young sackers I worked with today. I half to hound them to make sure they stay busy. I am the third oldest person who works this job. The lead person is probably in her 40's and the chipper girl is probably in her early 20's and the guy is mid 20's. The two other guys who work this position are under 18 and attend High School. So I ask myself "Why would Dillon's hire kid's to take a position of responsibility?" I have yet to find an answer. Perhaps I might find one and I might not. I can however give my knowledge of management experience to these two kids and I hope to make a difference.
Spiritual life....When you are depressed and down on your luck and you think that God has forgotten about you God has a way to snap you back to reality to say. "Hey, I am here and I will never leave you my child." Whether it's in a song, what someone says to you, in the bible or just a long lost memory.
There are times when I get caught up in the world around me that I forget about my own spiritually and I leave God outside. I need to be dong better in keeping him number one in my life. Everything that I have belongs to him. My job, my money, the clothes on my back, even the car that I drive. I own nothing and I give it all to the creator of the universe. There is a song that was sung by Clay Crosse called "I Surrender All" There is a verse in the song that says this..
"Everything I am, all I've done, and all I've known now belongs to you, the life I live is not my own Just as Abraham laid Isaac on the sacrificial fire If all I have is all that you desire I surrender all." I have herd this song several times in my life but the song never really spoke to me until recently. I resolve to give God my all. I am clay and he is the potter.
Personal life....One of my friends recently purchased a 46" LCD flat screen TV from Best Buy anons with a new entrainment stand. Now I realize that I don't have alot of money to throw around and I would like to own a 46" TV one day but I am happy with what I have. I may not have the best TV or the fastest car or the best house or the greatest job but I am happy with what I have. What about those things that people don't think about?
How about having both parents alive and married? What about having the support of a family that loves you? What about having friends that you can depend on? Are these not riches? I tend to think so.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Good evening to my readers. Today was my offical first day at Dillon's. I spend two earlier days in the week training so I know what to do. I worked on the U-Scan self check register today. I met most of the people that I'm going to be working with and have taken a liking to most of them. I think that this job will suit me nicely.
Earlier in the week I had lunch with a lady that I met online. I really enjoyed talking with her and getting to know her. I hope that we will be able to get together again soon. She has the greatest smile and outlook on life.
I think thats all for me tonight. Have fun and may God bless your week.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Well I realized that I haven't posted a blog since last November. Well alot has happend to me since then so I'd though that I would provide a brief snoponsis of whats going on.
For starters I have been fired from my job at AutoZone on February 6, 2009 after devoting five years of my life to the company. I don't want to go into detalis about the incident. I was devistated for several days worried about how I am going to pay bills and what's going to happen to me. I filed for unemployment the next day to get the ball rolling on that. For several weeks I punded the pavement looking for work only to not get anywhere. I applied for job after job. I sought the advise of my two uncles Jay and Kevin. The only good thing about not working is being able to go to church on Sunday's. Then one day my prayers were answerd. I went to a job interview with Dillon's and with RGIS Inventoy Group. I was hired on the spot at both interviews. The jobs are only part time but I can enter the workforce and hopefully be able to move up once again. I am grateful that God has given me these jobs in spite of the billons of other people out there without work.
Next I have redid my apartment with some new furniture about the middle of January. I paid Rebekah to come and help me out for about two weeks. Money well spent if I do say so myself. She did an excellent job and my apartment is staying clean and organized.
Third my younger brother got engaged over Christmas. It's a big deal for us as we welcome Dara into our family. She is a wonderful person and I wish her and Daniel the best of luck in the future. Dara did move down here for a few months and I have gotten to know her.
Well I don't really know what else to write. I am going to hopefully keep this up more.