Friday, September 12, 2008

Rain, rain and more

Today I was greeted by a line of thunderstorms that decided to drown Wichita today in 10 inches of rain. Not only did I half to go to work but I was the go getter in assisting with wiper blade installations and I went and got us lunch for the store as well. So I had to DRIVE down West St. that floods so bad to get lunch. in a Ford Ranger that chug down the street. In addition since there was alot of slow periods they were spend looking out the windows and watching the cars speed by and betting on which ones were going to flood out. There were two cars that I wondered what was going to happen to them. One was a black Honda Civic that tore down the street going about 30 MPH and creating a tidal wave. The second was a small red car that was punching through the water when a 4x4 Chevy came through the water and made a tidal wave that engulfed the car in a wall of water. He wasn't stopping and was very inconsiderate of the small car that was making it. Needless to say I only saw about 4 cars that got stalled in the river that was being made before us.
Since my last post I determined that I do not have TB and that I am physically able to clean classrooms at Kelly Elementary. Last week I had to take a physical agility test. That was on Thursday. Friday I woke up to the lower half of my body aching like nothing else. I was in pain for about 4 days. Samantha said it was due to my muscles not being worked enough. She also seemed to think that is was pretty funny. Ha ha ha. Speaking of Samantha she is working at the Wal-Mart in Garden City as a cashier to help with her income as well. She likes the job. It's low stress on her which is good. This with the Mosaic job is helping her pay off the debt.
Well this is all for now. Good luck to you all

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gone so long

I know that it has been quite awile since my last post so I will update you on what is going on with my life.

I transfered back to the AutoZone on West St. a few weeks ago. Now that I am working with Arlan and his crew I am glad to be back where I am appreciated and not treated like a work horse. It is a more relaxed enviromnent and I like the people that I work with. I also am starting a second job with USD 259 as a part time custodian in the evening time. I'll be working at Kelly Elementry cleaning part of the school. An extra 25 hours a week to help with bills. The downside is that my social callendar is going to be very little now. I feel that if I can pay off my debt and save money like I should have been doing a long time ago then I will be doing fine just fine.
This week was the annual labor day Plank gathering at Kevins. What a time we had with the croquet game, stadium checkers, banagrams and the weenie roast. It was nice of Bob and Jason to join us as well. I missed mom fishing but I am sure that there will be other chances.
I have spoken with Samantha a few times this week. She meet a friend named Eric and have been spending quite a fair amount of time together. I don't know that much about him but I know that she is pretty smart and knows when a guy is good. I wish them the best of luck